Online interviews, although Emirates and Etihad suspend all trainings
According to information received from our trainees who were already in training or were about to start it at one of these two companies in the United Arab Emirates, trainings have been suspended. Interviews are now online.
Those in training at Emirates had their training suspended, although they had been in training for several weeks. These could resume on April 2, but it all depends on how the situation of the pandemic with Coronavirus evolves. Those who were to go to training were informed that all departures to Dubai will be canceled until new decisions are made. In the same situation are those recruited, who were to go to Etihad Airways. It should be noted that both airlines announced yesterday (Emirates) and today (Etihad) that they temporarily cease their activity in the coming days
The situation of recruitment and interviews
Assessment Day recruitment sessions have been canceled. But online interviews were introduced at both companies. Those who apply and are considered eligible will be invited to answer online a set of typical, general, registered questions. This means that you will not have a direct conversation with a recruiter, but you will be alone in front of the screen. This is considered a second pre-selection phase, and you will be invited to an Assessment Day interview only when the situation in the world stabilizes.
If you want to prepare for such selections, we have prepared the Private Coaching Course which is also held online. Thanks to this working formula, you will benefit from individual counseling, but also from question and answer sessions. This question session is carefully constructed to help you give the right answers to the online interview. Also, you will go through the essential information related to the preparation for any interview, you will practice exams during the interview, you will be verified the presentation map (C.V. and photos). At the same time, we will provide you with FREE teaching material to improve your English language and aviation knowledge.